Patrick came up to Bellingham/Maple Falls for a visit. We had pizza at the North Fork Brewery. Then we took him up to see views of Mount Shuksan and Mount Baker. He was quite freaked. :D
Later that evening, he played some piano. After dinner, Meredith and I scared him with our stories of coyotes, bears, snakes, and brown recluses.
So if you're ever up near Bellingham, look us up. We'll give you acrophobia and then we'll talk about all the scary wild animals in our wilderness.
9 hours ago
Dear Oliver,
I have been told many times there are no brown recluses here in Washington...only Hobo spiders! Just as dangerous! And they look about the same! But now you knew their furry little names. Also they have a twin spider who is harmless and actually eats Hobo spiders. Can't remember their name. Both spiders are poor climbers and like to get into bedsheets...
your fellow in arachnophobia...
Twin spider is the Wolf spider.... We had a significant number of hoboes in our house when we lived in Seattle... One was even larger than a fifty cent piece. Wish I could dig up that picture and put it on flickr!
Mt. Baker was TRULY a highlight. Thanks again for letting me crash there, Oliver. Regards to M.
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