I have decided to create a list of things I want for Christmas but may never get.
1. G5 Tower Computer (HA! Unlikely!)
2. 40GB iPod (Must save save save. Meantime, will use damaged iPod)
3. "With the Lights Out" Nirvana Boxed Set
4. Poetry Books (Lots and lots and lots)
5. An Xbox or a Playstation2 (Verboten. I will become a crusty, baggy-eyed couch potato if I get one of these. Still doesn't mean I can't WANT one though)
6. Brown shoes (I really don't own any nice ones. All my shoes are black)
7. A nice polar fleece
8. A photographic memory (Working on this currently. Will have the results after lead into gold project is completed)
9. A trip to Europe (May actually manage this one for the summer)
10. All my bills to be paid (The gift that keeps on giving, friends)
9 hours ago
1 comment:
Hey sweetie! Surprise! Sometimes I check out your blogspot! #10-Can't help you with this one. #9-We're DEFINITELY going to Europe, Paris in fact, so what is this "may actually manage this one?". If you know me, and it's in my datebook, we're going! May 16 will be here before you know it, so you might want to practice "Non, Vous ne m'interessez pas du tout. Je suis deja avec quel'qu'un." #8-So you want to be like me? #7-It's a possibility even though it's not on the list you gave me. #6-Taken care of? #5-Hmmmm.... #4-Can't help you there since there are no specifics. #3-It's a possibility. #2-Another possibility. #1-Wait until I get a new job! Love, Meredith :)
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