If I had that power, the 2 hours 40 minutes of Zack Snyder’s grim and grisly excursion into comic-book mythology might not have felt quite so interminable. (“It will never end,” says Dr. Manhattan. “Nothing ever ends.” No indeed.) Also, an enhanced temporal perspective would make it possible to watch “Watchmen” not in 2009 but back in 1985, when the story takes place, and when the movie might have made at least a little more sense.
I'll probably see it anyway.
We were going to switch off co-sleeping with the little guy last night. I was to be the second shift. Meredith never came in, but, in anticipation, I was awake from 1:30-3:30AM.
My left eye is twitching. Thank goodness my parents will be here on Saturday.
Gorgeous weather. Too bad I'm sleepwalking.
Current spin:
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: "Cheated Hearts." Watch for the Bellingham, WA clip. Shout out to B'ham.
16 hours ago
1 comment:
Any review that tries to change the time frame when Watchmen takes place clearly does not get it. The fact that this story came out and happens in the 80s did not seem to bother the very high number of 20-somethings at the sold out midnight show Barb and I attended.
Quickie Review: Not as good as 300, a lot of sub-par acting, some quality acting from the actors who played/voiced Rorschach and Dr Manhattan, amazing visuals, intense action, and the re-writes that took it from the comic to the screen were right on. A solid B+ film that makes for some popcorn chompin' and should definitely be seen at the movies.
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