Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thin Mint Cookies

IMG_0507, originally uploaded by odelapaz.

It was only one thin mint cookie. Little did we know that one cookie would make such a mess.

And no, we don't usually feed our child junk food. He saw us eating thin mints and greatly wanted one for himself.

We caved.

We're awful parents.


RL said...

Gideon "made himself" breakfast last week -- an entire roll of thin mints that we absent-mindedly left on the kitchen counter.

Oliver de la Paz said...

Reb, if I could, I'd eat a whole damn box of those suckers for breakfast. Good for Gideon and good for you.

Collin Kelley said...

I was sitting at my desk today and throughout the day ate an entire roll of Thin Mints. Sigh. Damn those little Girl Scouts and their delicious cookies.

Oliver de la Paz said...

We can't keep thin mints around our house for very long. That's for damn sure.

The one deterrent is that each box is now $4. Hell, I remember when I box was $2.

stacebro said...

I once sold four boxes of Thin Mints to John Schneider, also known as Bo Duke from The Dukes of Hazzard. Swoon.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

but the one thin mint let you take such a cuuuuute picture :D

Susan Allspaw Pomeroy said...

You are not awful. When you get to the point where you rationalize "sure, it's ok to feed my kid McDonald's on a rare occasion because at least she/he will eat some protien," then come and talk to me.