Monday, November 23, 2009

Cover #4

4, originally uploaded by odelapaz.


Collin Kelley said...

This is my favorite.

Jeannine said...

This is my favorite cover!

Kelli Russell Agodon - Book of Kells said...

My fav, but I also like #1 very much too.

Eduardo C. Corral said...

this is also my favorite. i like the tall trees, and the yellow dirt path.

your first two book covers feature box-like art and a crop of an interior space. that is: they induce a sense of claustrophobia. but in a good way! ha. :)

this cover is expansive, it reaches to an unseen sky. it strikes a way different note than the first two covers.

though i wish your name, and the title, were lower. i want the yellow of the dirt road to gleam!

January said...

Yeah, I like this one. I like seeing the whole image and the font treatment on cover #4. Looks expansive and mysterious and foreboding. I like it.

Literary Magpie said...

Cover number 4 is my favorite. The open space allows the trees to fade and rise.

I agree with the other comments about not wanting to box in the cover like your other two books.

Where did the painting come from?

Montgomery Maxton said...

my fav!